Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ugong Rock: Spelunking Experience

Spelunking means to explore the caves.

Sidetrip before heading to Underground River.

Ugong Rock is a limestone rock formation in Sabang and is part of the protected area of the Puerto Princesa National Park.

Tourist come here to experience what they call spelunking or caving and of course the zipline.
Spelunking Joyz

Spelunking Ching
 Ugong Rock Caving and Zipline is a local tourism livelihood project for the community to prevent them from doing illegal logging. Tour guides are definitely from the community and used to be illegal loggers.

We pass this small hole...wheew!!!
With the gloves, and helmet we are now ready to go caving!! Our tour guide lead the prayer for guidance during our exploration on the cave.
On our way up!!

"Ugong" means rumbling sound, so when you knock on the rocks it creates sound.
Almost on Top!
The tour on the caves would last for about 20-30 minutes depending on the traffic of tourist inside. That time we were just few do we made it in 20 minutes.

But were tired enough to go back walking again so we decided to do some zipline which will only take us 20 seconds to go down... weeeehh!!! ☺☺☺

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